Welcome to Dreamcraft
Hello! I'm Ally Preece.
Welcome to my blog, Dreamcraft, where I aim to give you inspiration to pursue your dreams.
I’m following my dream to become an author and a published novelist in this season of my life when some people aim to wind down and retire – but that’s not how I wish to use this precious time.
Pursuing a dream has given me a fresh sense of purpose: it has helped me overcome with a positive spirit breast cancer and an empty nest, as well as discontent in my conventional career. These are crises that afflict many women, causing us fear, sadness and loss of self-esteem, negative emotions from which men, I know, are not immune. But every time you leave this blog – and I truly hope you’ll become a regular reader – I want you to go away with a happier heart. So let me tell you about Dreamcraft, and don’t forget to subscribe.
Why Dreamcraft?
I’ve learnt so much along my writer’s journey that I’ve decided to launch Dreamcraft, transforming my author’s blog into a resource centre to inspire my readers to reach out for their dreams – to reach for your dreams. Whether your dream is to become a writer, like me, or you long for something completely different, I hope my blog will bring you insights, inspiration and smiles.
But dreamcraft is not so much about dreaming as about doing. Because you do know that dreaming is not enough, don’t you?
We each have dreams that will one day whisper regret if we fail to reach for them. We may not attain what we dream of, but if we never try, there lies regret; we will always wonder, What if …? What if that dream of mine had come true?
And if I could make my dream come true?
How about asking instead, What if I could make that dream of mine come true? What would I have to do for that to happen? What would making my dream come true look like? What if I go from dreaming to doing?
I’m aiming to prove that it’s never too late to follow your dreams.
You see, my writer’s journey has taken many years and several twists and turns. I had no inkling how devoted I would need to be to fulfil this dream, or how much I would need to learn and grow. But I’m on my way now and have learnt so much more from the experience than ‘just’ how to write a novel. I’ve learnt how to take a myriad of small steps intentionally towards fulfilling an evolving, complex dream. And I’ve learnt for myself that the accomplishment lies in the doing.
What will I find on Dreamcraft?
Some posts on Dreamcraft offer personal reflections and experiences from my own journey that I hope will motivate and inspire you. I share strategies for overcoming setbacks and ideas for learning from my mistakes – as I try to – in a light-hearted spirit.
Dreamers need goals and organizational skills as well as vision and sheer grit. This is where I can offer a practical approach with tools and resources I’ve discovered or created along the way.
Think of dreamcraft as the process that only begins with your wish to accomplish a cherished dream of your own. As you clarify your aims, establish goals, plan steps and take actions, you’ll find you’re on your way to accomplishing your dreams. And if, like me, you’ve made false starts, it doesn’t matter: if the time is right – and your dream is true – use dreamcraft to pick yourself up and start over again.
Dreamcraft posts will contain plenty of ideas for practical and motivational reading and listening. And if you’re as curious about self-improvement as I am, there’ll be no stopping you: overcoming procrastination for a start – you may think you’re lazy, when it’s such a clever disguise for fear.
I invite you to subscribe to Dreamcraft if you yearn to follow a new dream or recapture an old one; whether you want to pursue a passion for your personal fulfilment, or pivot and launch a new career; if you’ve lost your bearings after a life change and need to build a fresh sense of hope and purpose. Your dream can be as modest as pursuing a special hobby or as grand as your heart’s desire. Carpe diem. Now is a good time to begin.
I hope my blog will give you insights and smiles along life's challenging pathway. And when you subscribe, I'll send you a Dreamcraft worksheet as a thank you gift, to help you craft your own dreams, now.
But before you go, have you read A word about dreams?
Best wishes!
© Portrait of Ally Preece by Sal Alexander